Safeguarding Concerns – St Ann’s

I am writing to express my concern at the level of disregard for the safety and wellbeing of pupils, displayed by a minority of parents when dropping off and collecting their child from school. This is now considered a safeguarding concern as children are at risk of harm.
Full Letters/Updates below:
8th February 2024 - Update
Dear Parents and Carers,
Re: Road Safety Concerns -St Ann’s
Further to my letter sent on Friday 2nd February, I have now been in contact with the Parking Enforcement Team at the Local Authority.
They have informed me that they will be sending Parking Enforcement Officers out to St Ann’s at the start and end of every day and will issue Parking Fines if cars are parked on School Keep Clear markings, or parked dangerously, for example in front of the school’s emergency access gates.
The school will now keep the St Ann’s gates open as access into the school.
I would like to thank the overwhelming number of parents who have shown their support and appreciation that the school takes seriously its responsibility to keep the community safe.
2nd February 2024 - Initial Letter of Concern
Dear Parents and Carers,
Re: Safeguarding Concerns – St Ann’s
I am writing to express my concern at the level of disregard for the safety and wellbeing of pupils, displayed by a minority of parents when dropping off and collecting their child from school. This is now considered a safeguarding concern as children are at risk of harm.
This morning, I witnessed parents stopping on the School Keep Clear markings, to drop their children off; then in order to leave, the cars have to perform a three-point turn due to Salting Street being closed. Whilst cars are performing these dangerous manoeuvres, children and parents are crossing the road in between as they try to make their way to the school gates. A child or parent could have been hurt at any time.
I am asking that these parents consider the following alternatives so that we may work together to maintain the safety of the community:
- Park in Asda’s car park free parking for 1 hour
- Abbey Road free parking for 1 hour
- London Road free parking for 1 hour
- The Shaftesburys free parking for 1 hour
- The Coverdales free parking for 1 hour
Due to the extent of the concerns I have for the children’s safety, I am giving one weeks’ notice and informing parents that as from Monday 12th February the gates in St Ann’s will remain closed until the school has been satisfied that Traffic Enforcement have robust safety measures in place to protect the community. All access into the school will be via the front gates on Gascoigne Road:
- Reception playground gates
- Year 1 Pedestrian gate
- Main Pedestrian gate to front office
I have spoken with Councillors within the borough and they have also expressed concern; they will be looking into safety measures that may be imposed to protect the community. They have requested that I inform you that cars seen parked on zig-zags, on crossings or dangerously will be issued with fines.
Our Family Liaison Practitioners, Kelly and Marie, are available for support should you need it, their numbers are as follows and you may contact them directly:
- Kelly 07951 898669
- Marie 07496 473838
It is important that we all take responsibility for ensuring that all members of the community, including the young and elderly may move around freely and feel safe.
Kindest regards,
Ms Preston