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Transition to Year 1 Meeting

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This event will take place between 9:15am and 10:30am on 16/07/2024

Sent on 03/07/2024

Dear Parents,

RE: Transition to Year 1 Meeting

I hope you are well.

As the Reception year draws to a close, it is important that preparations are made to help our young learners to have a smooth transition into their new year group - Year 1.

To ensure all pupils feel safe and secured, their teachers have planned interesting activities which will help them familiarise themselves and develop their confidence as they explore and investigate what learning will be like in Year 1.

We would like to invite you to a meeting where we can share what is going on now in terms of Transition preparation and what Year 1 learning will look like from September onwards.

The meeting will be held on Tuesday 16th July, 9.15am at the KS2 Hall, Gascoigne Road Site.

The meeting will be about an hour long and will cover:


  • How the induction period will work in September;
  • The Gascoigne Curriculum: Year 1 curriculum and expectations;
  • Parental involvement at Gascoigne Primary School;
  • We are a “Rights Respecting School” -what this means
  • Lunch time arrangements;
  • Home learning and Parental Involvement

You will also have the opportunity to ask questions and meet the Year 1 Teachers.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

Yours sincerely,
Mrs Coffie
Year 3 Class teacher / Reading Lead

Get in touch

Gascoigne Primary School Gascoigne Road, Barking, Essex, IG11 7DR

Gascoigne Shaftesburys, Shaftesburys, Barking, Essex, IG11 7JA

020 8270 4291